Home Canada Jobs Domino’s Pizza Is Now Hiring Multiple Candidates Pizza Makers – Ottawa, ON

Domino’s Pizza Is Now Hiring Multiple Candidates Pizza Makers – Ottawa, ON


The Customer Service Expert’s role is crucial within the Domino’s system. We pride ourselves on offering fast and friendly service with a smile, and our CSEs lead the way in doing so. Within our fast paced environment, the role is primarily to offer top quality customer service by phone and in person at the counter. Customer Service Experts are expected to know Domino’s products and the current offers in order to provide customers with the correct order and best value based on their needs.

A uniform is provided. Customer Service Experts are expected to be presentable by following Domino’s personal image and grooming standards.

Customer Service Experts will take orders by phone-in customers, as well as customers at the store. They are expected to manage the cash drawer when accepting payment for orders and returning change. CSEs will also handle customer concerns using the approach taught during Domino’s on-boarding and orientation.

In secondary roles, Customer Service Experts will help make quality products, label boxes, cut pizzas and prepare orders for delivery or to be served to in-store customers. CSEs also help in maintaining the store’s professional image by participating in the cleaning tasks assigned to all team members.


  • All Customer Service Experts must have the following:
  • Friendly and well spoken
  • Good math skills to handle cash handling for in-store customer payments
  • Speak English fluently in order to serve customers


  • Flexible schedules
  • Competitive wages
  • Staff pizzas
  • Career growth opportunities

What skills and qualities are important for a Pizza Maker?

Being a pizza maker requires a specific set of skills and qualities to create delicious pizzas and ensure smooth operations in a pizzeria. Here are some important skills and qualities for a pizza maker:

  1. Culinary Skills: A pizza maker should possess culinary skills, including knowledge of dough preparation, ingredient selection, and pizza assembly techniques. They should understand the various types of pizza crusts, sauces, and toppings to create a variety of flavors and styles.
  2. Knowledge of Pizza Making Techniques: A pizza maker should be familiar with pizza making techniques such as stretching and shaping dough, achieving the desired crust texture, and baking pizzas to perfection. They should know how to handle and operate pizza ovens effectively.
  3. Attention to Detail: Precision and attention to detail are crucial for a pizza maker. They should ensure that the pizza dough is properly portioned, the toppings are evenly distributed, and the pizzas are cooked for the right amount of time. This ensures consistent quality and presentation.
  4. Hand-Eye Coordination: Pizza making involves working with dough, stretching it, and topping it quickly and skillfully. Good hand-eye coordination is essential to handle the dough, spread sauces, sprinkle toppings, and place pizzas in the oven without compromising quality.
  5. Time Management: Pizza makers often work in a fast-paced environment with high-demand periods. They should be able to manage their time efficiently, multitask, and ensure that pizzas are prepared and baked within a reasonable timeframe without compromising quality.
  6. Creativity: While there are traditional pizza recipes, a pizza maker can demonstrate creativity by developing new flavor combinations, experimenting with different toppings, or creating visually appealing pizza presentations. Creativity can enhance the menu offerings and customer experience.
  7. Ability to Work in a Team: Pizza making is often a collaborative process. A pizza maker should be able to work well with other kitchen staff, such as chefs, prep cooks, and servers, to ensure smooth operations and timely delivery of orders.
  8. Cleanliness and Food Safety: Maintaining cleanliness and adhering to food safety standards is crucial in a kitchen environment. A pizza maker should follow proper hygiene practices, handle food safely, and keep their work area clean and organized.
  9. Stamina and Physical Fitness: Pizza making can be physically demanding, requiring standing for long periods, repetitive movements, and lifting heavy trays or pizza paddles. Good stamina and physical fitness are important to perform the job effectively.
  10. Adaptability and Resilience: Pizzerias can experience busy periods, last-minute orders, or unexpected situations. A pizza maker should be adaptable and resilient, able to handle changes in workload or customer demands while maintaining quality and efficiency.
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Remember, specific skills and qualities may vary depending on the type of pizzeria, regional preferences, and the level of expertise required. However, these skills and qualities provide a good foundation for a successful pizza maker.

What education and certification are required to become a Pizza Maker?

There are typically no formal education requirements to become a pizza maker. However, certain educational and certification opportunities can enhance your skills and knowledge in the field. Here are some options:

  1. Culinary School: While not mandatory, attending a culinary school or a culinary arts program can provide a solid foundation in cooking techniques, food safety, and kitchen operations. Culinary schools may offer courses or programs that specifically cover pizza making and Italian cuisine.
  2. Apprenticeships or On-the-Job Training: Many pizza makers start their careers through on-the-job training or apprenticeships. Working under experienced pizza makers allows you to learn the craft and gain practical skills in a real kitchen environment.
  3. Pizza Making Workshops or Classes: Some culinary schools, community colleges, or culinary organizations offer specialized workshops or classes focused on pizza making. These courses can teach you specific techniques, dough preparation, sauce making, and pizza assembly.
  4. ServSafe Food Handler Certification: While not specific to pizza making, obtaining a food handler certification, such as the ServSafe Food Handler certification, can demonstrate your knowledge of proper food handling, storage, and safety practices. This certification is often required in the food service industry and can enhance your employability.
  5. Industry-Specific Certifications: Certain organizations or associations offer certifications related to pizza making or the culinary arts. For example, the Scuola Italiana Pizzaioli provides a certification program for pizza makers. These certifications can demonstrate your expertise and dedication to the craft.
  6. Continuing Education: Stay updated on industry trends, new pizza-making techniques, and ingredient innovations by attending workshops, seminars, or conferences related to the culinary field. This ongoing education can help you refine your skills and stay competitive in the industry.

It’s important to note that practical experience, skills, and a passion for pizza making often matter more than formal education. Pizzerias may prioritize hands-on experience and the ability to consistently produce high-quality pizzas. Therefore, gaining experience through internships, part-time jobs, or volunteering in pizzerias can be valuable in building your skills and establishing a reputation in the industry.

Remember to research the specific requirements and expectations of the pizzerias you’re interested in working for, as different establishments may have varying preferences for education and experience.

Who can apply to this job?

The employer accepts applications from:

  • Canadian citizens and permanent or temporary residents of Canada.
  • Other candidates with or without a valid Canadian work permit.

How to apply
Online: Apply On Company WebSite

What is the work environment like for Pizza Maker?

The work environment for a pizza maker can vary depending on the size and type of pizzeria, as well as the specific work schedule. Here are some common aspects of the work environment for a pizza maker:

  1. Kitchen Setting: Pizza makers primarily work in the kitchen area of a pizzeria. This includes stations for dough preparation, ingredient assembly, and baking pizzas. The kitchen is typically equipped with ovens, dough mixers, worktables, and other necessary tools and equipment.
  2. Fast-Paced and Energetic: Pizzerias can be fast-paced environments, especially during peak hours or busy periods. Pizza makers need to work efficiently to handle a high volume of orders, prepare pizzas, and ensure timely delivery to customers. The atmosphere can be energetic, with a sense of urgency to meet customer demands.
  3. Teamwork: Pizza makers often work as part of a team in the kitchen. They collaborate with other kitchen staff, such as chefs, cooks, and servers, to ensure smooth operations and timely delivery of orders. Effective communication and coordination within the team are essential for efficiency.
  4. Standing and Physical Demands: Pizza makers typically spend long hours on their feet. They engage in activities such as stretching and tossing dough, spreading sauce and toppings, and placing pizzas in ovens. The work can be physically demanding, requiring strength, dexterity, and endurance.
  5. High Temperatures: Pizza ovens are typically operated at high temperatures, and the kitchen environment can become hot and humid. Pizza makers need to work comfortably in this heat and follow safety protocols to prevent burns or accidents.
  6. Time Flexibility: Pizzerias often operate during extended hours, including evenings, weekends, and holidays. As a result, pizza makers may need to have a flexible work schedule and be available during busy times.
  7. Customer Interaction: Depending on the pizzeria’s setup, pizza makers may have direct interaction with customers. This can involve taking orders, answering inquiries about ingredients or customization options, and providing recommendations. Good customer service skills and a friendly demeanor can enhance the overall dining experience.
  8. Cleanliness and Food Safety: Maintaining a clean and organized work area is crucial in a kitchen setting. Pizza makers should follow proper food safety protocols, including hygiene practices, storage guidelines, and temperature control, to ensure food quality and safety.
  9. Noise and Multi-Tasking: The kitchen can be a noisy environment with various equipment, conversations, and background music. Pizza makers need to be able to focus and multitask effectively, juggling multiple pizza orders, monitoring cooking times, and coordinating with other kitchen staff.
  10. Creativity and Variation: Depending on the pizzeria, pizza makers may have the opportunity to showcase their creativity and experiment with different flavors, toppings, and styles of pizza. This can add variety to the menu and allow pizza makers to demonstrate their culinary skills.
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It’s important to note that the work environment can vary from one pizzeria to another, so it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the specific pizzeria’s operations and culture before pursuing a position as a pizza maker.